Values at mamacoffee

At mamacoffee, we embody a diverse range of offerings, from our specialty coffee roastery to our cozy cafes, artisanal bakery, and dependable wholesale partnerships. Yet, beyond these services lies a set of core values that we hold in high regard: quality, human approach, mutual understanding, professionalism, partnership, transparency, and responsibility to our customers.

Our goal is to deliver top-tier coffee in every aspect. Taste, aroma, origin, fairness, and partnership with farmers and customers are integral parts of all our activities. We know the story behind every coffee bean we roast. We follow its journey from the very beginning – we know the farm where it grew, the conditions under which it was harvested and processed, and how it traveled to reach us. We pride ourselves on ensuring that our transactions are dignified and fair.


Values at mamacoffee:

Quality – We strive to stand behind the quality of our people, services, and products.

Human values and humanism – Our café is not just a place to enjoy good coffee but also a space for meetings, open, free, and democratic discussions. We aim to be a good partner to the local community and civil society, supporting and helping them grow.

Professionalism – A friendly and professional approach to customers, partners, and suppliers is a given for us.

Partnership – We forge solid and equal partnerships not only within our company but also with our customers, farmers, good suppliers, and the broader community.

Transparency – Clear and fair terms form the basis of all our activities.

Ecology and responsibility – We strive to behave in ways that minimize negative impacts on the environment. We regularly evaluate all our activities and propose specific ways to improve in this regard. We seek out and prefer local suppliers and personally verify the conditions under which the products we use are created.

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