Vojtěch Syrůček, COO - Director of Cafés

Hello, I'm Vojta, whom you might have seen behind the coffee bar at the café on Jiřího z Poděbrad, where I also spent the last few years as the operations manager of all our cafés. I enjoy taking breaks from the computer by going on trips in the woods and meadows. I like to make coffee with my Aeropress during a hike, take off my shoes, and just look out into the world. I enjoy reading books, but often fall asleep with them.


What does mamacoffee mean to you?


Above all, it's a collective of people who care about how their business operates. They emphasize sustainability and ecology, but also the individual and his or her opinions and suggestions.


What is your favorite kind of coffee?


My favorites are those from Africa, as I mostly prepare filter coffee at home and I prefer these beans. But most of all, I love coffee that I drink in peace, ideally somewhere outdoors on my travels.




+420 731 026 622


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